Why Smart Glass is the successor of curtains and blinds?
Right now, it might be unthinkable for any home to be devoid of curtains or blinds. These are essential for many reasons, be it to block out light, ensure privacy of residents, or to create partitions.
While they serve their purposes well, our smart film glass easily accomplishes the same feats, along with added advantages.
Firstly, due to the texture and absorbent nature of fabric, curtains are a hot spot for accumulating dust and dirt. When accidents involving liquid spillage occur, it can be extremely troublesome to resolve. Generally, the upkeep of curtains involve frequent washing which is mandatory for ensuring that they are clean. Otherwise, they might become triggers for allergies for those who are sensitive.
Common methods to try circumventing this would be to purchase expensive air filtration products that not only take up space but also incur additional cost.
The same goes for blinds. Although they do not need to be entirely unhinged and soaked like curtains, the tops and bottoms of their slats have to be manually wiped. One more drawback about blinds is that they can be noisy when there is a bit of wind, generating distinctive clack clack clack sounds against window panels that can be disruptive. A good night’s rest, or catching a short siesta after a long day at work or school definitely do not
need this in the equation!
While the main feature of switchable glass is its ability to enter opaque or transparent modes depending on what’s needed at any point in time, effectively serving the same purpose as curtains or blinds, it trumps either item.
Forget about cumbersome maintenance or potential health hazards. For Smart Glass, a quick wipe down is all that’s needed for it to be in tip-top shape. Minimal manual labour is required to enjoy its spectacular features!