Smart Glass for Hospital
Typically, hospitals heavily utilise blinds and curtains for medical procedures. While this is an effective measure to delegate practices and segregate patients from each other, it comes with its own set of hassles– they easily trap lots of dirt and dust which can trigger or complicate conditions of already immunocompromised patients. Washing them requires time, effort and resources which can be eradicated with the efficiency of our Smart Glass and Smart Film. Instead of having to manually adjust the curtains, these can now be executed with a simple press of a button.
When operations or surgeries are in progress, our Smart Glass or Smart Film can be switched to an opaque setting for privacy.
After visiting hours are over, our Smart Glass and Smart Film can be blanked out for peace and quiet, allowing for better rest and less distractions for those warded.
Freely transitioning from opaque to transparent lets our Smart Glass and Smart Film transform suitably for training and observations.
Our Smart Glass and Smart Film help to neatly determine between treatment and non-treatment areas even in small areas, maximising space.